Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Truth About Indian Movies

Now here's the problem with America today. The majority consists of two different types of people when it comes to foreign films and I'm here to shed some light on the subject. In this case I'll be discussing Indian films.

First you have the racists, who refuse to watch movies such as "Slumdog Millionaire" and "Life of Pi" because their patriotism is so over the top that they almost make me want to jump ship and start over new in some shitty foreign land where starvation is the worst of my problems. Now don't get me wrong here. I love America, and there's no two ways about that. But when certain people refuse to watch Oscar winning films because it consists solely of curry munchers that's where I have a problem.

Almost worse then the racists are the overcompensaters. These are the people who realize racism is a problem in America, and therefore want to hand the world to minorities to a prove a point. No, you're not any better than the racists, you're still a cunt. Arguing that a solid Indian film is the best fucking movie ever created is a travesty. We need to find a middle ground.

Now I'm not going to argue I'm an expert. To be honest here I think Slumdog Millionaire and Life of Pi are the only two Indian, perhaps even the only two foreign films I've ever seen. So I'll review them.

Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
Best Picture Winner

Very good movie. Well put together, only complaint is I wanted to see the kid answer a few more questions on who wants to be a millionaire. Whatever, not really a big deal. Freida Pinto is gorgeous as well which is a plus but she is so far out of Jamal's league it hurts to watch. I mean this chick is hitting balls out of the park while Jamal is sitting in right field picking daisy's begging his dad to let him quit and join the ballet. No way this movie is better than The Dark Knight though, which also came out in 2008. Overall rank 8.7/10

Pinto Pics: 1 2 3

Life of Pi (2012)

Call me a terrorist, but I enjoyed this movie more than Argo. I wouldn't say it's better than Argo, but maybe the kid in me loved all the cool colors, flying fish, and all the other wacky shit Life of Pi had to offer. I mean come on, a man eating island? What the fuck is that shit. How can I not be interested? Also I'm a sucker for a good twist ending.

No hot girls in the movie, kinda weak. Overall rank 8/10

I'd recommend both movies, both solid, both good. Oh, I have seen another Indian movie: The Kite Runner. The only thing I remember from that movie is a little kid getting ass raped and I don't know how I feel about that.

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