Monday, June 30, 2014

Heath Ledger: Why So Serious? A Legends Sendoff

Heath Ledger actually holds a pretty special place in my heart. Not because like Jake Gyllenhaal I was railed out in a tent by him in secrecy for twenty years, but probably because my freshman year me and one of my roommates legitimately watched The Dark Knight every night an entire semester. I shit you not I completely get how Heath Ledger went crazy being the Joker because I started to feel batshit just by watching him go insane playing the joker. All that being said, its a shame this guy died so young and I felt it appropriate to discuss the good the bad and the homosexual of Heath's career.

And Here....We...Go.....

Best Movie- Tie between The Dark Knight and The Patriot

Now look I know I just told you that I watched TDK about 100 times one semester but that doesn't take away from the fact that The Patriot is one badass movie. Not only do you get to see a arguable breakout role from Ledger, but Mel Gibson and like 8 rednecks pretty much take down the entire British army. I seriously think that when Mel kills a guy in a movie he is actually murdering that guy in real life. So much raw anger that he just unloads on innocent extras in his movies. When a man signs up for a Mel Gibson film he puts his life in peril Anyway, even though Ledgers performance was easily better in TDK I felt obligated to pay homage to The Patriot, especially with the Fourth coming in hot.

Seriously has anyone made more of a career off of being a deush than the guy who plays Lucius Malfoy and Colonel Tavington?

Best Performance- Upset Alert Ennis Del Mar in Brokeback Mountain

I know if anyone actually reads this shit I'd get heat for this, but hear me out. I absolutely loved Heath's performance as The Joker, BUT, I gotta be honest his performance as an angry and confused cowboy really made that movie for me. In a movie where you otherwise get to see raunchy gay sex, seeing an incredible acting performance really helps to make you forget about that. Like alright imagine the acting was horrible in that film? It would just be two guys banging in secrecy for 2 and a half hours. I would watch a Tom Cruise documentary if I was interested in that.

You guys def thought I was throwing something gay on here. Just enjoy Jake Gyllenhaal as bubble boy.(terrible film)

Most Underrated Movie- Lords of Dogtown

This movie is a solid flick, but everyone can agree Heaths performance as drunken skating revolutionary Skip Engbloom is spot on according to Engblooms filthy hippy friends. I feel like that's gotta be a sweet role to take on. Yeah Heath we need you to move to California smoke weed and be a drunken guy who likes to surf. Sign me up. But seriously anyone who hasn't seen this movie or his performance in it needs to check it out. Even if you dont like skating or surfing you wont get a better taste of the California lifestyle in the 70's without watching this.

We're so punk rock that we climb fences. Hang loose bro

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