I know everyone is saying "Hey Andres, Sopranos ended in 2007, why the hell would you be talking about that now?" The answer is simple, I only got into it a few months ago and I'm almost done with the series. People may give me shit because its so old and that if someone tells you what happens, its like spoiling The Bible because its been out for so long. Well the show is KINDA spoiled for me already because i sort of know the ending of the show because it was so controversial, but thats not taking away from the enjoyment, excitement and suspense i get from watching each episode. Along with all of those emotions I get (including the physical emotions I get in my pants from Meadow Soprano), I also dream more and more about living the life of the man, the myth, the legend, Tony Soprano.
I've never wanted to be in a mob so bad after watching this show. I can only imagine the feeling they get in their balls when their conducting their illegal business. I'd imagine its like that feeling you get from a steep drop on a roller coaster in your stomach/ball area. They go around intimidating people like you did in The Godfather video games with guns to extort people. Having women at your feet is a pretty cool thing too. Tony owns a strip club so thats free puss as well. Tony owns a humongous New Jersey mansion paid by his families illegal mob ring. The whole lifestyle just seems awesome. Sure, its illegal, but wouldn't you wanna try it at least once if you had the option? Hell I'd do a ride around with Tony for a day, seeing a day in the life. It would more than likely include eating some awesome italian food, making bank, fucking a chick, possibly shooting someone (which I'd imagine is quite exhilarating) and getting wasted. Sounds like an awesome day to me, where do I sign up? Not to mention he's basically the head boss of the Soprano family, so he rarely gets over ruled, his word goes. And Tony took no shit, from anyone. He was one tough mother fucker as well. Here's a video of him killing one of his own guys who lied to him (Go to 3:50, Spoilers in video). Next to Walter White (which I will write a blog about in the future), he is probably the most lovable "villain" to appear on a TV show, ever. And by villain, I mean someone who is doing something that is frowned upon in society, but are idolized in the shows. I would be pretty upset if I ran into a mob boss and he wasn't like Tony Soprano, it would be like finding out Santa wasn't real, total life changing experience.

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