Tuesday, July 1, 2014

I'm Not There

After finishing my Heath Ledger post last night then rereading it and publishing it this morning, I made a huge discovery: There is seriously something wrong with Bob Dylan. He's a saucy, spaced out, wack job who chain smokes, sings about nothing, enjoys getting boo'd, talks in circles, and just generally has no idea what's going on. And, like most of the world, I love him for it. I mean the man (if he really is a man) is responsible for arguably the best song of all time, and ranked by Rolling Stones as the second best artist to ever live, seconding only the Beatles. Now I question his manhood not because I think he's not masculine, but because he had a woman actor portray him at one point in his unique biographical film "I'm Not There." Now if anyone else besides Bob Dylan had a woman play his part, they'd most likely be a raging pussy. If there was a movie about Bono and had Uma Thurman played his part I would honestly believe that Bono actually had a vagina. And that's saying something because I enjoy listening to U2 and I like Bono, even if he is a piece of shit.

Anyway, those unfamiliar with "I'm Not There" will not know that Bob Dylan is played by 6 different people in that movie. He's played by (not in this particular order):

  1. A woman
  2. Batman
  3. A little black kid with an afro
  4. An old dude with long hair
  5. Heath Ledger (I will not disrespect his name)
  6. A gay guy
Six actors, from both sides of the spectrum and everywhere in between. I'm not even joking. Each actor was chosen to depict how he saw himself at each point in his life. Absolute insanity that he can look back on his life and honestly believe that he was once six completely different people. If he wasn't a musical genius and a god among men he would have been lobotomized at the age of 12.

If you can handle good music, great monologues, and wacky meaningless statements give "I'm Not There" a watch. You wont regret it.

Magnum Review:

Note: If you're a person who only watches average action movies with no storyline because you get off to "cool" explosions and crazy firefights while Kanye sings about his hobbit wife in the background then you can blow me. This movies not for you.

Two South Park references in one post? Gotta love it.

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